TL;DR: The old website has moved to We’re still working to migrate all of the content. Please be patient.
I, Flynt, am taking point on the website. Morgan & Shadowstalker are still on the web team, but I’ll be taking on most website maintenance and updates.
Why New?
I bring over 15 years of WordPress and custom web development experience and a new perspective on user experience and accessibility. The changes I’ve implemented mostly stem from focusing on one, major question: “who does this website need to serve?” My opinion is that the website should be tailored for an audience I’d summarize as “people who don’t know anything about the Dark Ones”; aka the uninitiated.
Why do the uninitiated come to I believe it comes down to these these 4 reasons:
- To find out about the parties
- To find out about the Dark Ones
- To give money
- To find out how to get involved

These 4 things have been made quick to find. Meanwhile, the people who know what they are looking for (like us members) can still find it.
What’s New?
The Docs area is probably the most impactful new thing. The objective of this area to let us start organizing resources like documents and forms that guilds, committees, and the Oligarchy use.
Something I’m excited for is taking advantage of WordPress’s blog feature more. I’ve already brought in some archival content from the old site and will continue to do so in the coming months. I’m also bringing attention to the photos captured by our very own Wilgar; these not only serve to document the parties but highlight the energy and aesthetic of the Dark Ones’ parties for the uninitiated.
The website has also become more mobile friendly and should no longer have the security message. Yay!
Thank you, Morgan and Shadowstalker, for the many years of work on this site.
If you have any questions, thoughts, or complaints, PM Flynt (azBrian) on Discord.