The Dead Man’s Party

“Casino of the Damned”

Attendance: 175
Date: Saturday, Oct 25, 2014

Site: Ashwood Hall
3421 W. Sandra Terrace, Phoenix

Costume theme: your DO persona, dead high rollers,
tourists, showgirls or other Vegas entertainers,
Indians, mobsters & molls, card sharks, croupiers

Death SkullSite opens at 6:00 pm
Party starts at 7:00 pm
Anthem at midnight
Bar closes at 2:00 am
Site closes at 3:00 am
Sunday Clean-up 11:00 am

Event Head: Blaze
Event Historian: Blackfeather
Event Exchequer: Night Flier

[Yes, after a 2-yr hiatus, we’re back at Wilgar’s house!]



Angry Orchard Killians White Russian Kamakaze Cider Ball

Casino of the Damned: Dead Man’s Hand

On this hallowed night the veil is thin, the bar is stocked, and the Reaper comes for you.
Life is a gamble and death is no different — the final casino, where the house always wins. Soul gems are the currency and the stakes are high, where a game of dice is rolling real bones and Texas Hold’ Em ends with that last card on the River Styx.
But watch that last Dead Man’s Hand, or you could be cashing in your chips.
Remember, what happens at Dead Man’s, stays at Dead Man’s.
Bring food to share for our all-you-can-eat buffet, a bottle of booze for the Bar, or cash for the jar.

Win games, collect soul gems and cash them in at the bar for special drinks! (Oooh, what will we serve?
Food Coordination – click here to figure out what’s best to bring! Think “Twisted Vegas Buffet” or bring a Halloweenish dish or treat to share.

Dead Mans Hand Pic


October “Dead Man’s” Party 2014 – “Dead Man’s Hand”

You know a party went well when the guests stick around an hour after the rum is gone. Or in this case, the rum, vodka, both kegs of beer, and your special stash of cider that tasted just like apple pie. Hi folks, Blackfeather here, and I’m your October party Historian bringing you the rundown of the Dark Ones’ annual “Dead Man’s” party. Who could ask for more?

This time, our theme was an afterlife gambling den, a ‘Casino of the Damned’ if you will. Brought to you by party head Blaze, exchequer Night Flier and yours truly for the post-mortem, our October party returned to Ashwood Hall as the venue, generously offered for our use by Wilgar. There were games of roulette and craps, with real bones for that touch of ancient and eldritch lore. The goal for this game play was earning “soul gems” that would be exchanged at the bar for specialty mixed beverages. Our guests were more than up to the challenge, and the bar was ever busy through the night. Our intrepid bartenders BlackHawke and Falconer did an outstanding job keeping everyone in their cups, and our chef-on-the-scene Triad and his lovely assistant Caliban kept them and everyone well-fed with garlocki and other hot items. Thanks to you all!

A special thank you as well to everyone who pitched in and brought a dish or dessert for the evening’s festivities. Coordinated by Margie, there was a spooky assortment of treats and tastes and baked goods for a night so close to Halloween.

At last count, there were about 200 in attendance that night, and everyone enjoyed themselves.

A lot of hard work went into setting up for the party. An able coalition of hands had everything up and running, setting up the big stuff on Friday and handling the finer details the afternoon of the party.  And we had an outstanding show of force on Sunday in cleaning up the site. I’d like to thank Deadeye, Ravenlee, Lirance, Pyro and Havoc for lending us a hand for setup, and BobGrrr!, Greg Rucker, Darkyr and Lightyr, for joining us for cleanup.  And a big thank you to Wilgar, Marquette, Celti, Smoke, Psycho, Markus, Oshiah, Margie and Tihnkyr for helping us out with both setting up and tearing down!

That closes out our official Dark Ones parties for the year, we’ll see you all in 2015!

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