Movie time! “Bohemian Rhapsody”

AZ Mills IMAX — Friday 11/02/18 at 7:30 pm

Come see “Bohemian Rhapsody” with The Dark Ones! We have pre-purchased 50 of the best seats at the AZ Mills – IMAX Theater! Join us and help make it a truly memorable experience.

After the movie, join us at “Tilt Studio” next to the theater for an hour of drinks and conversation. If you are coming to Tilt, don’t delay after the movie, as they close at 11 pm and the kitchen [if you want food] closes shortly after the movie ends.

This is in IMAX so the seats are $15 each. [A portion of the proceeds will go to the Dark Ones to support future events]

Reserve your seats now by sending a payment via PayPal [Choose the gift option please] to and specify that it’s for Bohemian Rhapsody.

You may also contact us to arrange for cash payments. Cash must be paid at or before the Dead Man’s Party.

Seats will be allocated the week of the show in the order of payments received.

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