Broken Dragon
Dragon slipped and fell, and is now the proud owner of a plate and three screws in his hip! Next up, physical therapy!
3/25 Update: Dragon is out of the hospital and now ensconced at La Estancia Nursing & Rehabilition Center, which is down by Chandler Blvd and 40th Street (near 202 “Santan/South Mtn Fwy” and I-10 intersection), in Room 109. The phone number there is 480-759-0358 if you’d like to call or visit. Dragon is also available via his cellphone, if you have the number.
4/2 Update: Details regarding Dragon’s fall have been removed for now… Next up, legal action! But he is super-bored and would really like to have visitors.
This just in!!!
Smoke just sent me a bunch of Dragon’s X-rays! Holy crap that’s a lot of metal!
Posted with permission from Dragon of course…
I stitched the x-rays together in a fun way as a bonus 🙂