“Here Be Dragons”

(Hic Sunt Dracones)

The Dark Ones Summer Party

August 20, 2022


Party Questionnaire — Save us a call!


Please fill out the: Event Questionnaire 
More links: ‘Facebook Event‘ / ‘Donations via PayPal
COVID Policies: [See below]

Site: Shadowhaven (8726 N 48 Ave, Glendale)
Party Starts: 8:00 pm
Bar Closes: 2:00 am
Site Closes: 3:00 am

Costume suggestions (optional): Valyrian or Westerosi, Norse, dragonrider or harper, martial arts or Asian attire, dragonborn, sacrificial virgin (dragon sacrifice), knight or other medieval garb, DO persona (swimsuit if you want)

Maps of old warned us of dangerous and unexplored territories with the Latin phrase “hic sunt dracones” (here be dragons). Rumors swirled about powerful flying beasts so terrifying, none could withstand their fury.

They were so feared, towns offered their precious daughters to keep the beasts at bay. A brave few were able to tame and bond with these creatures, even riding them in battle. Powerful adventurers saw them as foes to be vanquished in a blaze of glory.

It’s no secret that dragons dwell in Shadowhaven, so we recommend you bring a tasty morsel to share, or a gold coin for the dragon’s hoard. You can fortify the castle by volunteering for setup, cleanup, or helping during the party.

Bring your swimsuit for a dive in the “lake” if you need to cool off, we’ll have a changing tent available.

Event Head & Historian: Shadowstalker
Exchequer: Nikolai

Remember, don’t meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Covid Policy (may change, but for now is): Masks optional inside & outside. If you’re sick or in a high-risk household, please only attend via Discord.

Please fill out the Event Questionnaire
Donations via PayPal
Facebook Event

Site: Shadowhaven (8726 N 48 Ave, Glendale, 85302)
Discord: Dragon Server on Discord


COVID POLICY SPECIFICS (Subject to change w/out notice)

  • If you are in a High Risk household, are sick, or were exposed to COVID-19 two weeks prior to the event, please feel free to attend via Discord.
  • We prefer that people complete their vaccination cycle before attending our events.
  • We may take your temperature at the Gate (any with elevated temperature will not be admitted).
  • Masks are optional in both indoor and outdoor areas.
  • Social Distancing – you are responsible for handling your own distancing.
  • The bathroom line may be managed, limiting the bathroom line to three people (at a time).
  • Policy enforcement will be handled by The Dark Ones Rangers.For the complete list of our Covid protocols, please refer to this document:  https://tinyurl.com/fy4cap62
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