“Night of the Walking Dead Man’s” party

October 28, 2017
7pm – 2am

Ashwood Hall, 3421 W. Sandra Terrace, Phx

Total Attendees 200

Event Head: Margie
Event Exchequer: Black Adept
Event Historian: Pagyn
Site Hosts: Wilgar & Amethyst


Where did all these zombies come from? Was it the recent near-miss of Comet Nibiru? Was there a secret toxic spill, or a virus covered up by the government? Perhaps a descendent of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau has discovered her legacy? They’ve been saying “Winter is coming” for awhile now… Or maybe it’s really just as simple as accidental worcestershire sauce in the embalming fluid (not pinkeye).

Whatever the reason for the plague of undead, they’re coming to get you, Barbara. What are you going to do when things get bitey? and don’t forget to Double-Tap! Dress up as your favorite zombie or zombie killer, and come ready to drink, dance, dodge, and dine! Donations are always welcome, and we invite you to bring a dish to share, for as we all know, the hunger of the undead is neverending.

Costume ideas are easy — Undead, recently dead, survivors [I’m not dead yet!], classic zombie (walker, biter, infected, etc), whitewalker, wight, voodoo practitioner, biohazard/radiation bunnysuit, Walking Dead character, character from any Romero-era zombie flick, Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead, Warm Bodies, 28 Days, World War Z, I Zombie, the list goes on and on. Whatever you choose, you’ve probably “got red on you”.

Help ensure our mutual survival by responding to the Questionnaire, and following these simple rules:

Rule #1: Cardio — It’s time to “nut up or shut up” because it takes an army of darkness to throw an event this size! Come help early with Setup, or during the party at the Check-in Table, Bar, Kitchen/grill, or game tent — or the job that’s always MOST needed, Clean Up on Sunday! Volunteer here: https://goo.gl/forms/VecolSoQ3aviY0uH3

 Rule #5: Travel Light — Donate in advance via PayPal — helps us to pay for the kegs, protein, ice, specialty drinks and more. https://goo.gl/forms/VecolSoQ3aviY0uH3 and http://darkones.org/event-support-page/

Rule #6: Be a Hero — Shockingly, partygoers keep using up the Vodka, Tequila, Bourbon & Rum… donate a “handle” of the basics help us to keep the undead happy. Let us know what you can bring here: https://goo.gl/forms/VecolSoQ3aviY0uH3

Rule #32: Enjoy the Little Things — Twinkies! Chocolate Pudding! Terminus “Beef” Stew! Brains! The Potluck page has lots of ideas for rations you can share. http://www.luckypotluck.com/potluck/DOOctParty17NightoftheWalkingDeadMans

And don’t forget,Star Wars – The Last Jedi” tickets will be on sale at the party! Come see this movie with The Dark Ones at our private screening on Saturday Dec 16th at 2 pm! (Or you can get your ticket now!)


*Anyone notice the ‘easter egg’ in the cover pic?   😉

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